About Me:
My works emerge from my ability to visualize harmony in dissonance, and from personal reflection of how the past interweaves and enfolds with the present. I recognize and celebrate the fact that each of our lives is composed of multiple layers and dimensions. When I blend "found items" with traditional media, "out of the ordinary" works materialize as dolls/assembl'age, paintings and collage. My works are RAW. Unfiltered. I invite the viewer to "ReIMAGINE" life and self in its complexity.
My passion for mixed media craft was born in the Midwest at my grandfather's side in his workshop, watching and joining him as he built our furnishings and invented gadgets through trial and error; at my grandmother's knee learning to crochet and sew while listening to her wonderful stories of childhood and adolescent adventure; and, at my mother's table using fiber, metal, found objects, clay, paints and even dryer lint to create my early works. Emerging from this eclectic homespun "art education", "Mixed Media" was my predictable muse.
The Evolution of My Designs:
At the heart of Ze'Art is my attraction to chaos with a passion to create accord; The desire to find the fit of the pieces and discover the whole from the parts; the joy i feel as I produce harmony using disparate components. The materials I utilize are virtually unlimited. Acrylics, water color, gouache, metals, papers, fibers, fabric, wood, jewels, beads, wire, vintage finds of buttons, photos, lace and other artifacts weave their way into the evolution of design. Diverse elements merge with diverse beliefs and become a fanciful reality.
My creations begin with a "found item", a single object, a word or a phrase which gives birth to an idea for design that evokes intrigue, humor, or romance. My undefined vision allows me to embrace the unexpected. Chaotic impressions evoked by the object or word begin to blend. I pull out my bins, boxes and trunks of "supplies" and launch my search for artifacts that feel they may be related to the impressions. Imagery emerges. An antique charm turns into a fairy tale. A bedspring morphs into a 'doll'. Papers, lace, rusted metal and wire grow into a sculpture, collaged story or a painting. Magic happens.
Welcome to Ze'Art Studio where I invite you into imagination ...
My works emerge from my ability to visualize harmony in dissonance, and from personal reflection of how the past interweaves and enfolds with the present. I recognize and celebrate the fact that each of our lives is composed of multiple layers and dimensions. When I blend "found items" with traditional media, "out of the ordinary" works materialize as dolls/assembl'age, paintings and collage. My works are RAW. Unfiltered. I invite the viewer to "ReIMAGINE" life and self in its complexity.
My passion for mixed media craft was born in the Midwest at my grandfather's side in his workshop, watching and joining him as he built our furnishings and invented gadgets through trial and error; at my grandmother's knee learning to crochet and sew while listening to her wonderful stories of childhood and adolescent adventure; and, at my mother's table using fiber, metal, found objects, clay, paints and even dryer lint to create my early works. Emerging from this eclectic homespun "art education", "Mixed Media" was my predictable muse.
The Evolution of My Designs:
At the heart of Ze'Art is my attraction to chaos with a passion to create accord; The desire to find the fit of the pieces and discover the whole from the parts; the joy i feel as I produce harmony using disparate components. The materials I utilize are virtually unlimited. Acrylics, water color, gouache, metals, papers, fibers, fabric, wood, jewels, beads, wire, vintage finds of buttons, photos, lace and other artifacts weave their way into the evolution of design. Diverse elements merge with diverse beliefs and become a fanciful reality.
My creations begin with a "found item", a single object, a word or a phrase which gives birth to an idea for design that evokes intrigue, humor, or romance. My undefined vision allows me to embrace the unexpected. Chaotic impressions evoked by the object or word begin to blend. I pull out my bins, boxes and trunks of "supplies" and launch my search for artifacts that feel they may be related to the impressions. Imagery emerges. An antique charm turns into a fairy tale. A bedspring morphs into a 'doll'. Papers, lace, rusted metal and wire grow into a sculpture, collaged story or a painting. Magic happens.
Welcome to Ze'Art Studio where I invite you into imagination ...